Thought for the week: So, what have I learned?

This might seem like an odd question to pose for my column for the week, but, stay with me and hopefully it will make sense soon.

As you know, last week, my cell phone was stranded in cyberspace by AT and T, who donate the use of the phone for me.  UGH is mild.  I can’t even begin to tell you how inconvenient that was- thousands of contacts between the Mission, my congregation, my own personal contacts.  And yet, I’ve learned that “stuff happens” and we have to make the best of it.  And I realize how very fortunate I am in comparison to so many.  

With that being said, I came across this on Facebook recently, posted it to my FB page and wanted to share it with you.  It is taken from “science and metaphysics”.

What have I learned:

1.  Everything can and will change.

2.  You’ve overcome challenges before.

3.  It’s a learning experience.

4.  Not getting what you want can be a blessing.

5.  Allow yourself to have some fun.

6.  Being kind to yourself is the best medicine.

7.  Other people’s negativity isn’t worth worrying about.

8.  And there is always, always, always something to be grateful for.”

In some respects, it’s a litany of daily life, not to mention all of life’s journey.  If you were to reflect on each of the above statements, what sticks out to you personally?  Which ones do you handle easily?  Which ones cause a bit more struggle and challenge?  

For example, I know and easily can relate to 1, 2 and 3.   I’ve always been good at overcoming challenges and I do believe all experiences are a learning experience.

I know, at this later stage of life, that “not getting what I want can be a blessing”, but I didn’t think so when I was younger.

Allowing myself to have some fun is a bit more difficult, not because I don’t believe in it because I do, but life happens and sometimes, there’s not enough time to work in the fun, so to speak.  However, go RED SOX!

And so…as I look at this list today, it means something different than yesterday…that’s a good sign.

Likewise, each of these “truths” also hold a lifetime of meaning, a kernel of wisdom for us to nurture as we greet each day and we welcome all those who are placed in our path on a given day.  Perhaps these “truths” can help to guide us, as we continually strive to live the fullness of life and to be the best we can be.

Live and be HOPE this week.

Sr. Debbie Blow