Special thought for the week

While I have many reflective juices flowing these days, I really would like to share something that Magaly Velasquez, our Asst. Administrator in Nicaragua, sent yesterday afternoon.

In Magaly’s own words (translated):

“Today, in Nicaragua, as in many countries, there is communal contagion.  In our Mission of Hope barrios and communities, contagion has occurred in several families (although on a smaller scale than in the city of Managua).  In our barrios, there have been many deaths due to the disease. (Sr. Debbie: by way of explanation, please remember that the vast majority of those in our Mission barrios are crammed into tiny huts or have no shelter at all.) In the Mission of Hope clinics, we are treating people with the symptoms of the illness and because they are coming to our doctor early on, many do not suffer the worst consequences of the disease.

Unfortunately, there are some of our people who must go to work and so, the masks the Mission has provided, have helped to keep people safer.  ( Sr. Debbie: By way of explanation, please remember that unemployment in Nica is well over 70% right now).

The government wants to pretend a false calm so the children are required to return to classes, although many mothers do not want to risk the health of their children.  It is also unfortunate to see how many people “follow” the government and have attended massive events where people can be easily infected much more and then it will be more difficult for the hospitals.

Thanks to the North Country Mission of Hope and its donors, we have been able to buy appropriate medicine to help patients and some families who have required these medicines. Of course, we are taking all precautionary measures at our facility and clinic.

We know that these are difficult times worldwide, but we thank God that we can count on the support of the Mission of Hope to help the people in our communities.  (Sr. Debbie:  By way of explanation, we serve 13 rural barrios plus feed 6700 children in 24 schools and 4 orphanages, and assist other locations like Johana Pedroni’s health clinic in Managua.)

It has been difficult not being able to assist people who come to our gate asking for food to feed their families because our supplies are so low and we’ve been unable to pack meal packs during this year.  (Sr. Debbie:  And thanks to so many of you and the George and Shirley Moore Foundation, we will be able to provide emergency food supplies to at least 870 very marginalized people)

Once again, we thank you for giving us your unconditional help and love, which is very valuable and brings us hope.”

Magaly Velasquez- Assistant Administrator, Mission of Hope

So, let us model the example given by our brothers and sisters in Nicaragua and….live and be HOPE this week.

Sr. Debbie Blow, OP