Thought for the Week: It Can’t Be Carried Alone

As you reflect on the powerful poem below, I am sending you a photo of the crucifix that hangs in my bedroom.  It is made of Nicaraguan wood and hand made in Nicaragua.  I was drawn to it many, many years ago on one of my Mission trips.  I was drawn to it because, for me, it truly symbolizes both the Crucifixion and the Resurrection.  So many of our spiritual awakenings in life reflect both.  May Holy Week and Easter cause us all to pause and reflect on why “it can’t be carried alone”.

“It Can’t Be Carried Alone”

Father Richard wrote the following poem in response to the collective suffering of the people of Ukraine.

How can we not feel shock or rage at what is happening
to the people of Ukraine—
As we watch their suffering unfold in real time
from an unfair distance?
Who of us does not feel inept or powerless
before such manifest evil? In this, at least, we are united.
Our partisan divisions now appear small and trivial.

Remember what we teach: both evil and goodness are,
first of all, social phenomena.
The Body of Christ is crucified and resurrected
at the same time. May we stand faithfully
Inside both these mysteries (contemplation).

In loving solidarity, we each bear what is ours to carry,
the unjust weight of crucifixion,
in expectant hope for God’s transformation.
May we be led to do what we can on any level (action)
to create resurrection!

The people of Ukraine have much to teach the world.

Love and be HOPE.

Sr. Debbie Blow, OP