As I continue to share glimpses of our service within The Mission of Hope, I decided to share this photo of what shelters look like for the very poor in Nica.  And yes, this person was lucky to even have a piece of tin. Fortunately, thanks to generous donors, this person now has a home shelter. While it is a modest 10×12 shelter of tin and wood and dirt floor (cost of $700), it’s priceless for the one receiving it!

Typically, we would be in Nica at this time, constructing shelters, doing outreach and much more. Our hearts ache at this time for all who suffer persecution for justice sake!

Years ago, the Mission brought one of the Sisters to the US for medical care and we were driving her around the city of Plattsburgh showing her where people lived. We drove by this one building and she asked who lived there. I told her it was a garage for people’s cars. Without judgement, but with sad eyes, she looked at me and stated, “Your people are so blessed. Their automobiles and animals live better than most of our people”.

So, yes, we need to be grateful for all we have- even if it’s not perfect. Maria Shriver had a recent reflection on “learning to live with less”.

May our week ahead be one of kindness, compassion and gratitude.  Yes, “Shelter us O God” and shelter all in need.

Live in Hope and gratitude.

Sr. Debbie Blow, OP