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  • Deacon James Carlin

Thank You!

A huge thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated, and supported the McSweeny's/North Country Mission of Hope Golf Classic this year.

Yes, the tournament was canceled, but that does not diminish the effort and generosity of everyone involved.

Every year, we give out a plaque to a person or persons who have gone above and beyond in their support of the Golf Classic. On the 20th anniversary of the tournament, the committee felt it is only fitting that the award be given to everyone who has volunteered, supported (including all those who donated time, money, or prizes) and played over these past 20 years.

Because of your selfless generosity, the tournament has provided over 1,000,000 meals for those in dire need.

Please take a moment to look at this year's Golf Brochure (thank you, Dianne Rabideau) and a photo of the plague.

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