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  • Kimberly Cummins

News & Notes - Mission 74 - Day 2

Updated: Feb 16

Three photos of Mission of Hope's work in Kentucky doing external work, adding a porch and a group of folks standing in front of a newly dry walled room

Mudding Dry Wall and Soffit Installation

 Home of Dixie Wilson

Jackson County, KY

Addition to Her Home

Supervisor – Clarence and John


"The day began with a hot breakfast of Biscuits and Gravy, sausage, eggs, and poached pears cooked by Carrie.

We started our day heading to build a porch and ramp. Clarence changed the plans because of persistent rain.


We ended up at the house of Dixie Wilson. The home Dixie lived in was a pieced-together home that was no longer safe or equipped for the cold winter ahead. CAP was building a 600 sq. foot addition to her home to provide her with a safe, warm place to live. Our team taped and mudded drywall and put Soffits on the front of the house.


As importantly, we got to spend time with Dixie, John, and Clarence and share stories about our families, culture and hopes for the future.

After a quiet trip home, we processed the day and how tired most of us were. We had a lovely dinner cooked by Betty, our CAP representative, for the evening. After dinner, Betty gave us a presentation that put into perspective the plight of those who work but are still unable to meet their financial commitments. It was both enlightening and sobering.

Karen noted that we were in what appeared to be a very lovely neighborhood, and we then made two turns onto a back country road. And we arrived at the house that was being replaced. The house was pieced together out of scrap metal and other materials. Rural poverty is found hiding in plain sight and can be found around just the next corner."

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